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2023 Dragon Boat Racing Team Recruitment

We had our very first Dragon Boat 101 Training in 2022 and decided to form our own Racing Team to compete in Dragon Boat races this year. We would like to further invite our alumni to join our team! Below are the training and racing details for your reference:

Tentative Racing Details
Date: Jun 22, 2023 (Thurs)
Venue: Stanley
Time: Whole day Tentative Training Schedule (only Sundays)
March: 12, 19 (Shek Mun, 8:30-10:30)
April: 2, 9, 23, 30 (Shek Mun, 8:30-10:30)
May: 7, 21, 28 (Stanley, 8:00-10:00)
June: 4, 11 (Stanley, 8:00-10:00)
Training fee (11 sessions total) Early bird (on or before Feb 8 for AA member: $1800/pax, flat rate)
Normal price for AA member (after Feb 8 and family & friends): $2000/pax, flat rate

We hope to form a team with at least 12 males and 8 females, more are welcome! Please contact any of our AA members for more information

June 22, 2023
Racing: Whole day. Tentative Training Schedule (only Sundays) March: 12, 19 (Shek Mun, 8:30-10:30) April: 2, 9, 23, 30 (Shek Mun, 8:30-10:30) May: 7, 21, 28 (Stanley, 8:00-10:00) June: 4, 11 (Stanley, 8:00-10:00)
$1800 - $2000
Dress code
Watersport wear